dimanche 31 août 2014

Gabes- Home of grenade

Gabes- Home of grenade

located in the south eastern coast of Tunisia, the only and unique citiy in the world serrounded by:

*the desert and its high montains from its south "Matmata"(30km).
*the large oasis surfaces from the its north "Chenenni"(5km).
*the hot mineral water stations focused on its west side "El Hamma" (15km) oriented to hospitalization-tourism (Therapeutic tourism) seekers for both local and international levels.
*the mediterranean sea from its east side.


international level:

*Airport Sfax
*Djerba airport
*Port Gabes

national level:

*Train station Gabes
*Taxi louage/Coach station Gabes
*Matmata regional airport

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